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Ericsson Analytics is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of talented professionals

who seek out and pursue opportunities for any organization

in order to add significant value to all of that organization's stakeholders, both internally and externally,

by exploring and engaging the talent and expertise within the organization

and by leveraging our knowledge, experience, wisdom, and creativity.

See things Differently and Clearly

​Everyone saw the apple fall. Newton asked "Why ?".

We typically go through our daily lives routinely or habitually.
We see or experience the same things so often that they become our new normal. Our thinking becomes automatic. We look but no longer see. Our actions typically follow convenience and the path of least resistance.
Only when we stop and think, does the everyday reveal its opportunities.
When questions arise as to why people are the way they are or why tasks are done the way they are done, we forget that the answer pertains only to a point in time or to a specific context.
As time passes or contexts change, there lies opportunity for people to grow and adapt and for tasks to be reviewed and performed differently.  Perhaps what didn't work in the past will now work under new conditions and context.
Change the facts.
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